Cinnamon Apple Cobbler

Cinnamon Apple Cobbler - Apple Orchard

Like many other classic desserts, or comfort foods, apple cobbler, or cobbler of any sort, seems to have quite a history. Just Google search “apple cobbler,” and a thousand and one different personal stories emerge, from memorable dinners and fondly remembered first dates, to international vacations. Everyone has their own special version and reason for making this dessert. Mine was much more simple; a Saturday afternoon, a craving for dessert, and a basketful of apples. What to do?

Most sources seem to agree that cobbler of all varieties appears as a fairly unique American dessert, most likely brought over by British immigrants, though by now, its popularity has spread around the world. Originally created as a compromise, when traveling immigrants to the West found the ingredients for a true pie crust –like large amounts of butter, or other fat sources — were scarce, the toppings for a cobbler were created out of leftover biscuit, or bread dough. Once baked, the risen dough tends to run together forming a lumpy crust, somewhat resembling a cobbled road, which is thought to be where the dessert gets its name. If you would like to learn more about this, click here.

Cinnamon AppleCobbler - Sliced Apples

Our version of apple cobbler is, of course, gluten free, and it can also easily be made dairy free as well, with a substitution for the butter. The combination of the cinnamon, along with ground ginger and nutmeg, give the apples a beautiful creamy sweet quality, even though there is no cream or milk used anywhere in the recipe. I love simple recipes, especially ones that are healthy, quick to make, and allow for the whole flavor of the fruits or vegetables used to really shine.  In this case, the apples really do stand out — I used mostly galas which have a mellow sweetness, and are a perfect complement to the recipe, though others would work great as well — without being overwhelmed by sugar, or any other ingredient. For me, this really is a dish I could just as easily imagine being part of a leisurely Spring picnic in the garden, or as the finish to a late Fall dinner before a warm fire, blending in equally well as a dessert enjoyed by everyone, so deliciously addictive, I dare you not to crave a second helping.

Cinnamon Apple Cobbler:


  • 4-5 cups thinly sliced apples (I used galas, but any variety will work well)
  • 1/4 cup sucanat
  • 1 Tbsp. arrowroot starch
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup So Delicious coconut milk


  • 4 Tbsp. butter, or your favorite vegan option
  • 1/2 cup rice flour
  • 1/2 cup tapioca flour
  • 1 Tbsp. sucanat
  • 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk


Begin by peeling and thinly slicing the apples, the more thinly sliced the apples, the softer they become and more evenly soak up the spices and liquid.

Cinnamon Apple Cobbler

Preheat the oven to 350°F/180ºC

In a saucepan, mix all of the filling ingredients together, allowing it to cook and simmer for 10 minutes, or until the liquid begins to thicken. Once it is cooked, pour the filling into a glass baking dish and set aside.


For the filling, mix the dry ingredients with the butter until course crumbs form. Add the coconut milk and stir in to create a thick batter. Drop the batter by spoonfuls, using an ice cream scoop, over the apple filling mixture.

Bake the cobbler for 40-50 minutes  at 350°F/180°C, or until the topping is golden brown.

Cinnamon Apple Cobbler

Served by itself, or with vanilla ice cream, either way is delicious. This dessert is wonderful , light and creamy, but not overly sweet, and has quickly become a favorite, something that we will share with friends and make over and over again.

Cinnamon Apple Cobbler

Is this dessert a favorite of yours? Maybe you have a special story, or a unique way of preparing it? We love hearing from you, please share your stories and comments below.

Royal Gala Apple

3 thoughts on “Cinnamon Apple Cobbler

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Unfortunately, at present, we are not able to provide this service. In order to provide truly accurate nutrition information, we would have to have a lab analyze each recipe. If you would like to find out for yourself, information can be entered at a site called, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Please let us know, if you have any other suggestions. We welcome your thoughts and comments. Thanks for visiting our site.

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